Write your NJ reps to support AR133/SR93
to oppose the designation change of DWGNRA

Attend Meetings
In this section you will find dates, times, and locations for your local municipal and county meetings.
Municipal & County Meetings
This is not a complete list - If you have info to add to this section, please email it to nonationalpark2030@gmail.com
Click to jump to the following sections:
Pike County
Pike County Commissioners: 570-296-6055
First and third Wednesdays of the month at 11:00 a.m. in the Commissioners Meeting Room unless otherwise noted. 506 Broad Street, Milford, PA 18337
LiveStream: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYz0AX6LNAFcqGUOdq0mQUg
Pike County Conservation District - (570) 226-8220 Director Michele Long
Third Monday of the month - 10:00 am
Milford Borough 570-296-7140 council meets the third Monday of every month at Borough Hall at 7p.m.
500 Broad Street, Milford, PA 18337 Next Meeting: April 18, 2022 7:00 PM
Milford Township - 570-296-5540 1st Monday and 3rd Monday of the month at 7 P.M. (if a legal holiday, the Supervisors will meet at 7pm Tuesday of the same week).
Shohola Twp- 570-559-7394 - Township Board of Supervisors meets in the township building the 2nd Thursday at 7:30
Dingman Twp - 570-296-8455 1st and 3rd Tuesday of every month.
Delaware Twp - 570-828-2347 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of the month at 7:00 pm @Delaware Twp municipal building on Wilson Hill Road
Lehman Twp- (570) 588-9365 Meetings: 2nd Thursday of month at 3:00 PM
Pike County Scenic Rural Character Preservation - 570-296-3500 3rd Wednesday of each month, beginning at 3:30pm.
Westfall Twp - Click HERE for meeting schedule
Monroe County
(570) 517-3102
First and third Wednesdays of the month at 6:00 p.m. in the Commissioners Meeting Room unless otherwise noted.
Livestream: https://www.gotomeet.me/Commissioners/commissioners-public-
Middle Smithfield Twp - (570) 223-8920 2nd & 4th Thursday every month, 7:00pm.
Smithfield Township - Board of Supervisors Meetings: 2nd & 4th Wednesdays at 6pm. 1155 Red Fox Rd, East Stroudsburg, PA 18301
Zoom link avail on website: www.smithfieldtownship.com
Stroudsburg Borough -Borough Council Meetings: 1st & 3rd Tuesdays @ 7:00 PM at 700 Sarah Street (second floor)
Matt Abell, Council President mattabellmattabell@gmail.com
Wayne County Commissioners
(570) 253-5970 Work sessions on Tuesday of each week at 10:30 a.m. Business meetings are held each Thursday at 10:30 a.m. meetings are held in the Commissioners Meeting Room, 3rd Floor, Court House Annex, Honesdale. Both sessions are open to the public.
Sussex County Meeting Schedule
Andover Borough
Borough Hall
137 Main Street
2nd Monday 7:00 PM
Andover Township
134 Newton-Sparta Road, Andover
1st & 3rd Thursday 6 PM
Municipal Building
34 Wantage Avenue
1st Wednesday 7PM
Municipal Building
1st & 3rd Tuesday 7:30 PM
Municipal Building
Rt. 206
2nd Tuesday 7PM
Municipal Building
475 DeMott lane
2nd & 4th Tuesday 7PM
443 Rt. 94
2nd & 4thThursday 7:30 PM
150 Kennedy Road
1st & 3rd Monday 7:30 PM
16 Wallkill Avenue
1st & 3rd Monday 7:00 PM
111 River Styx Road
1st & 3rd Wednesday 7:30PM
Municipal Building
33 Morris Farm Road
1st & 3rd Tuesday 7:00 PM
Municipal Building
277 Clove Road
2nd & 4th Tuesday 7:00 PM
Municipal Building
39 Trinity Street
2nd & 4th Monday 7:00PM
Municipal Building
14 Highland Avenue
2nd & 4th Monday Time??
Municipal Building
69 Main Street
2nd & 4th Tuesday Time??
Municipal Building
77 Main Street
2nd & 4 Tuesday 7:00 PM
964 Stillwater Road
1st & 3rd Tuesday 7:00 PM
Town Hall
2 Main Street
1st & 3rd Tuesday 7:00 PM
9 Main Street
Last Tuesday 7:00 PM
888State Hwy. 23
2nd & 4th Thursday 7:00 PM

Warren County Meeting Schedule
Allamuchy Township – Last Wednesday 6:30PM
Address:292 Alphano Road
Allamuchy, NJ 07820
Phone:(908) 852-5132
Fax:(908) 852-0129
Website: http://www.allamuchynj.org
Alpha Borough – 2nd & 4th Tuesday 7:00PM
Address:1001 East Boulevard
Alpha, NJ 08865
Phone:(908) 454-0088
Fax:(908) 454-0076
Website: http://www.alphaboronj.org
Belvidere, Town of – 2nd & 4th Monday 7:00PM
Address:691 Water Street
Belvidere, NJ 07823
Phone:(908) 475-5331
Fax:(908) 475-4413
Website: http://www.belviderenj.net
Blairstown Township – 2nd & 4th Wednesday 7:30PM
Address:106 Route 94
Blairstown, NJ 07825
Phone:(908) 362-6663
Fax:(908) 362-9635
Website: http://www.blairstowntownship.org
Franklin Township – 1st Monday 7:00PM
Address:2093 Route 57
Broadway, NJ 08808-0547
Phone:(908) 689-3994
Fax:(908) 689-5803
Website: http://www.franklintwpwarren.org
Frelinghuysen Township – 1st Thursday ??
Address:210 Main Street
Johnsonburg, NJ 07825
Phone:(908) 852-4121
Fax:(908) 852-7621
Website: http://www.frelinghuysen-nj.us
Greenwich Township – 3rd Thursday 7:00PM
Address:321 Greenwich Street
Stewartsville, NJ 08886
Phone:(908) 859-0909
Fax:(908) 454-6158
Website: http://www.greenwichtownship.org
Hackettstown – 2nd & 4th Tuesday 7:00PM
Address:215 Stiger Street
Hackettstown, NJ 07840
Phone:(908) 852-3130
Fax:(908) 852-5728
Website: http://www.hackettstown.net
Hardwick Township – N/A
Address:40 Spring Valley Road
Hardwick, NJ 07825
Phone:(908) 362-6528
Fax:(908) 362-8840
Website: http://www.hardwick-nj.us
Harmony Township – 1st Tuesday 6:00PM
Address:3003 Belvidere Road
Phillipsburg, NJ 08865
Phone:(908) 213-1600
Fax:(908) 213-1850
Website: http://www.harmonytwp-nj.gov
Hope Township – 2nd Wednesday 7:00PM
Address:407 Hope-Great Meadows Road P.O. Box 284
Hope, NJ 07844
Phone:(908) 459-5011
Fax:(908) 459-5336
Website: http://www.hopetwp-nj.us
Independence Township – 2nd Tuesday 7:00PM
Address:286-B Route 46 P.O. Box 164
Great Meadows, NJ 07838
Phone:(908) 637-4133
Fax:(908) 637-8844
Website: http://www.independencenj.com
Knowlton Township – 2nd Monday & 4th Thursday 7:00PM
Address:628 Route 94
Columbia, NJ 07832
Phone:(908) 496-4816
Fax:(908) 496-8144
Website: http://www.knowlton-nj.com
Liberty Township – 1st Thursday 7:00PM
Address:349 Mountain Lake Road
Great Meadows, NJ 07838-9727
Phone:(908) 637-4579
Fax:(908) 637-6916
Website: http://www.libertytownship.org
Lopatcong Township – 1st Monday 7:30PM
Address:Municipal Building 232 South Third Street, Morris Park
Phillipsburg, NJ 08865
Phone:(908) 859-3355
Fax:(908) 213-1037
Website: http://www.lopatcongtwp.com
Mansfield Township – 2nd & 4th Wednesday 7:30PM
Address:100 Port Murray Road
Port Murray, NJ 07865
Phone:(908) 689-6151
Fax:(908) 689-2840
Website: http://www.mansfieldtownship-nj.gov
Oxford Township – 1st & 3rd Wednesday 7:00PM
Address:11 Green Street
Oxford, NJ 07863
Phone:(908) 453-3098
Fax:(908) 453-3787
Website: http://www.oxfordtwpnj.org
Phillipsburg, Town of 2nd Tuesday 7:00 PM Virtual???
Address:675 Corliss Avenue
Phillipsburg, NJ 08865
Phone:(908) 454-5500
Fax:(908) 454-6511
Website: http://www.phillipsburgnj.org
Pohatcong Township – 2nd Wedesnday ??
Address:50 Municipal Drive
Phillipsburg, NJ 08865
Phone:(908) 454-6121
Fax:(908) 454-5911
Website: http://www.pohatcongtwp.org
Washington Borough – 1st & 3rd Tuesday 7:00PM
Address:100 Belvidere Avenue
Washington, NJ 07882-1426
Phone:(908) 689-3600
Fax:(908) 689-9485
Website: http://www.washingtonboro-nj.gov
Washington Township – 3rd Tuesday 7:30PM
Address:211 State Route 31 North
Washington, NJ 07882
Phone:(908) 689-7200
Fax:(908) 689-9234
Website: http://www.washington-twp-warren.org
White Township – 2nd & 4th Wednesday 6:00PM
Address:555 CR 519
Belvidere, NJ 07823
Phone:(908) 475-2093
Fax:(908) 475-4067
Website: https://white-township.com/
We need more info in this section. If you know when your municipal and/or county meetings are held and they are not listed on this page, please email that info to nonationalpark2030@gmail.com and we will get it posted.
Thank you!